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Labor Day Hours and Schedules 9/4 7am – 6pm
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Thriller Dance Experience
thriller dance experience

SeattleGYM is hosting rehearsals for 2017 Annual Thriller Event.

Learn the Thriller Dance to perform in worldwide flashmob Oct. 28th 3:00 pm in Occidental Park, Pioneer Square.

Everyone is Welcome!!!
Rehearsal Schedule QA SeattleGYM:
Sat. 4-6 pm 8/26, 9/9, 9/23, 9/30, 10/07, 10/14
Dress Rehearsal QA SeattleGYM: Sat. 1-3 pm 10/21

Thriller FAQs
Are Rehearsals Free?
Yes, but this event also supports a local charity and donations will be accepted at rehearsals. Jubilee Women’s Center is the chosen Charity for 2017.

Do I have to come to all the Rehearsals to participate on Oct. 28th?
You do not have to come to all the rehearsals to participate.

Prior to every rehearsal each participant must check in at the front desk and sign in on Thrillers Sign-in sheet and show ID.
No Black-soled shoes allowed in studio