TSG Coronavirus Precautions
March 6, 2020
Kari HiLoDance 3.24.20
March 24, 2020
TSG Coronavirus Precautions
March 6, 2020
Kari HiLoDance 3.24.20
March 24, 2020
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Hello TSG Members!  Online Live Workouts Starting Thursday 3/19!!
IMPORTANT 1ST STEP: The SeattleGYM Sidelined Private Facebook Group is ready for you! Go to www.facebook.com/groups/TSGsidelined and ask to join. All Active SeattleGYM Members will be welcomed into the group.  
Our first 4 virtual workouts are scheduled:  
Thursday 3/19 4:00-5:00 pm Reach The Barre (Center Floor) with Kari: Equipment – mat and light weight dumbbell set (optional)
Thursday 3/19 5:30 – 6:15 pm TBT Xpress with Vicki: Equipment – Mat and dumbbell set
Friday 3/20 9:30 – 10:30 am HiLo Dance with Kari: No Equipment
Friday 3/20 10:45 – 11:45 am Pilates Mat with Jocelyn; Mat and light weight dumbbell set (optional)
Once you have joined just go to The SeattleGYM Sidelined Facebook Group at the scheduled workout time. We can’t wait to continue working out with you!  Your Devoted TSG Instructor Team
For those members not on Facebook: 
Although our Live Stream workouts will only be available through our Private Facebook Live Group Page we will be offering active members temporary FREE access to select VFit classes (filmed at Laurelhurst gym) along with some of Kari Anderson DVD Workouts.  If you are interested in this and you are a current member of TSG please contact us at danp@theseattlegym.com to receive your password for access.

Hello TSG Members!

How is everyone doing? Ready for a workout?

We are starting a Private Facebook Group for Active TSG Members (Active = TSG membership not on hold) to receive FREE live workouts from your TSG Instructors. You will also have access to some VFit workouts, filmed at our Laurelhurst gym these past years. We are working on the initial live schedule right now and will post it soon on this page. As we launch the first workouts from our studio realize this is a work-in-progress, schedule will change and expand,  but could also pause at any time if State/National directives somehow prevent our ability to do this.

Remember these are Live TSG workouts created especially for your home use!

But first, you need to ask to join The SeattleGYM Sidelined Private Facebook Group! (coming very soon)

For those of you not on Facebook we are looking at our other options to keep you working out at home while the gym is closed.


Dear Members,

Your instructor team at The SeattleGYM already misses working out with you! We imagine your life has changed dramatically in these past weeks, and now with the closure of the gym, it may literally feel like the walls are closing in. We hear you, we feel you, and our withdrawal symptoms are most likely as intense as yours.

We are excited to announce we have been focusing our energies and time on ways to bring you live and on demand workouts from your favorite instructors/trainers ASAP.

Here is what you can do now to stay in communication with TSG as this unfolds:
1. Continue to check TheSeattleGYM.com website and Facebook page daily for updates.
2. Consider joining Facebook if you are not already on this platform. We are setting up a private FB group for our TSG Active Members (Active=membership not on hold). From this page we will be streaming live workouts for you to do in the safety of your own home.
3. We will also be setting up a community page that will include instructor/trainer blogs and tutorials, fitness tips and educational links, workout equipment resources and most of all a space for us to be social as a large group again!!

Let’s continue to support each other through this. We need to reconnect with those we haven’t seen for awhile, check in on our friends. All of us have stories to share, worries to unload, and a strong need for some human compassion. We will now do what we all do best…be a unified team of individual hearts that beat as one.

Let the beat GO ON! Yours in Fitness, Kari and Vicki