TSG Workouts!

Group Fitness Workouts are available for TSG  members to attend in-person and on-demand. You can join TSG Instructors teaching your favorite workouts three ways!

  1. In-person classes with your TSG Instructor Team! Class schedule https://www.theseattlegym.com/queen-anne-schedule/
  2. Join The SeattleGYM Sidelined Private Facebook Group Page. Select classes are recorded and posted to this page weekly.  Request to join http://www.facebook.com/groups/TSGsidelined
  3. Over 500 On Demand TSG Workouts FREE to TSG members on VFIT. Register at  https://www.theseattlegym.com/vfit/

Group Fitness Announcements

Welcome New TSG Instructor Clif Simmons!

Clif will be teaching DanceFit Wednesdays 10:30 am starting New Years Day. Dancefit combines mixed styles from Afrobeats, dancehall, salsa, and lyrical and contemporary dance movements. It focuses on building strength and endurance through joyful movenment and celebrates culture through a wide range of dance styles. Let's sweat and vibe out with the rhythms of African, Jazz and Caribbean musicality. 



 Class Descriptions / Club Tour

The SeattleGYM proudly offers you the most complete selection of workout options in the city. Classs may be dance-based, athletic-based or a fusion of both.  Workouts where choreography is involved will have this after the title ( I, II and/or III). This relates to the Level of Complexity only, not the intensity level of the workout. 

Level of Complexity I=easy to follow II=intermediate III=more complex
We hope this helps you select the workout that suits you best as you get started.  Eventually Try them all!